The following services will be open to troubled young Black men - including, At-Risk Youth, and young men aging out of Foster Care. We aim to empower them with a strong sense of purpose by meeting them where they are and supporting them on their journey to achieve life goals and become a staple in their community. Our services offer a means of access and opportunity while participants are exploring career choices. During this time, participants will also complete various community outreach projects.
Phase I - Self Development
Participants as the opportunity to attend our year round life-skills developmental workshop that focuses on self-awareness, situational awareness, change, resilience, and quality of life.
Phase II - Implementation
Participants will interact within the District of Columbia by volunteering in their community and engaging in work service opportunities. They will develop new skills including communication, leadership, time management, and teamwork.
Participants will have the opportunity and interest to consider an alternative career choice. Support 2 Other People will assist participants to navigate and a chance to potentially land a career opportunity and sustainable income.
Support 2 Other People offers participants multiple benefits, including Employment Preparation, Transportation Assistance, and Continued Support.