Help Us Be The Change
Support 2 Other People aims to make a real impact in the lives of young Black men who are looking to reach their potential. Our goals are as ambitious as the problem is large - but we will not back down. Too many young men need real assistance to pursue their purpose, and we need your support to ensure they get the help they need.
How Your Donation Helps?
Your donation helps increase our after-school activities, tutoring and homework support for the mentees in the program. Help us continue our roundtable discussion where young men are encouraged to attend and discuss their concerns and life challenges.
Your donation are needed to provide transportation for our participates who enroll in the apprenticeship
program and cost to textbooks, school supplies, personal protection equipment, and certification fees.
The following outlines three specific area of statistics.
D.C. Dept. of Corrections
In the District of Columbia Department of Corrections residency population, 88% are Black men. More than 60% of men in the Dept. of Corrections are unemployed at the time of incarceration. About 30% were employed or part-time employed and at the time of release from the D.C. Dept. of Corrections will no longer have employment.

Many of these men did not have a High School Diploma or GED before incarceration 72% of these men earned a high school diploma or GED during incarceration.
Average Age in D.C. Dept. of Corrections
Support 2 Other People recognizes the importance of providing opportunities that will assist returning citizens upon their release to the community. We need to target and prevent the highest percentage age group 18 – 30 young men and redirect their thinking before our young Black men experience this dark journey in life.

1. Mentorship
Our mentoring will begin with Middle and High school students redirecting their minds to understand their lives has worth and value. We want to help young mentee to believe in themselves no matter their environment or conditions. Redirect their minds towards positive behavior, and to now think about life goals and how can we help them to achieve.
2. Educational Activities
Introduce our young men to positive events and activities in the community. We are introducing them to new from their familiar environment. Help them to advance their social skills, how to interact and effectively communicate with others. We believe there is always opportunity for improvement and growth for young men with good leadership.
3. Apprenticeship Program
Connecting our young men with resources they will need to grow and be successful. Providing an opportunity designed to help participants establish a skilled trade after high school. Support 2 Other People understand every student may not consider college after graduation we want to offer an alternative education to our mentee looking for a chance in life.